Fundraising helps cover the costs of running a high-quality preschool, while keeping out-of-pocket tuition costs for families low. Past fundraising efforts have included selling pies, pastries, car wash tickets, garden seeds, and raffle tickets at our Winter Social and Spring Auction.
Throughout the year, there are many opportunities to raise money for our school and help offset the fundraising fee required by each family at the end of each semester. The Fundraising Requirement is $120 per family, with the first $60 due on January 1st and the remainder due on May 1st. Families may choose to participate in approved fundraising events, or donate directly to BHCP. Fundraising activities where donations can not be tracked can not be counted towards a fundraising requirement.
Our Fundraisers:
Fred Meyer Community Rewards Donate money to BHCP every time you or your friends and family use a registered Rewards Card. Sign up for free and after you put in your Rewards number, search Kent, Washington. You’ll find Benson Hill Co-op Preschool on the school list. Click on the icon at the top of the page or here: Fred Meyer Rewards. Benson Hill doesn't get a list of donors and their donations, so be sure to go to your Fred Meyer account during the months of December and April, take a screen shot of your Community Rewards contributions to Benson Hill Co-op preschool, and email the picture with your students name and class to and for that credit to go towards your Fundraising requirement. If you have family and friends who also give to Benson Hill through Community Rewards, have them email their Community Reward contribution screen shots as well. Talk to the Fundraiser or Treasurer if you have any questions about this.
Restaurant Nights Have a "night out" with the family while raising money for the school. Some exciting options throughout the year will include MOD Pizza, Chipotle and more. This is an important fundraiser for Benson Hill, but because there is no way to track this fundraising activity it does not count towards your fundraising requirement.
Brown Bear Carwash Tickets You can buy Brown Bear Carwash tickets for $10.00 a piece. Contact the Fundraiser for more information on purchasing tickets:
Spring "No-Fuss Fundraiser" Your family and friends can pledge to support your child without buying any product. We encourage you to reach out to your employer to see if they offer a donation match.
Spirit of Giving Mini-Auction If you have a craft, talent, or work connection you would like to share with our school, please consider making a donation for the winter social mini-auction. This is a raffle ticket auction and winners will be announced at the end of the evening during our winter social in December. Handmade crafts are an excellent way to reinforce our strong sense of community. Also, a portion of the amount you spend on the raffle tickets counts towards fulfilling your annual fundraising requirement.
Spring Auction The auction night is an All School Mandatory Meeting which takes place in May to approve the budget and new board members for the next school year. It is a fun social event for parents. Adults only please. You can enjoy food, fun and the excitement of both live and silent auctions. The raffle is your last opportunity to meet your required fundraising balance. The auction accounts for a large portion of the school's budget. If you choose not to attend the auction portion of the evening, it is important that a parent attend the first 15 minutes to vote on the budget and new board members.
United Way Campaign You and your friends and family can contribute to United Way through your employer and designate Benson Hill Cooperative Preschool to receive your donation. Our tax number is 91-0836500. These contributions will help you meet your personal fundraising goal - please notify us if you choose to contribute