School Positions
Each family in the co-op is responsible for holding either a class, school or board position. In order for each class and the entire school to operate smoothly, it is important that each position's responsibilities are fulfilled.
Auction Committee
Work with the fundraiser to organize the spring auction
Help Work throughout the year to procure item for the auction. This needs to start in the fall.
Help the fundraiser build the auction website or the bidder book for in person auctions
Use monthly supply checklist to see if the school is in need of any basic supplies
Purchase additional items requested by the board and teachers.
Turn in any reimbursement forms to the treasurer.
Turn in all receipts to the treasurer.
Bates Parent Coordinator
Attend a Parent education workshop held by Bates.
Track parents Bates credits throughout the year.
Report to our Bates representative.
Communicate with parents about opportunities to receive their Bates credits.
Send out reminders to parents who have not met their requirements.
Special Events Committee
Work with the board to organize the winter social.
Gather items from families for the raffle table.
Put together potluck
Activities for the kids
Community event
Plan and organize school community events.
Communicate details to the board about the event.
Recruit any help and volunteers needed for the event.
Laundry Helper
Bring the school laundry home and return after washing.